Natarang Pratishthan Documentation Catalogue
Searching for "Abhilash Pillai" ... - Audio Clippings (1)
Displaying records 1 - 1 of 1. Serial No: 1 Play/Event: Baghdad Burning Playwright: Supriya Shukla Source/Accession No: NP/451 Description/Notes: Design & Direction- Kirti Jain, Set- Abhilash Pillai, Light- Gautam Majumdar Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
- Brochures (21)
Displaying records 1 - 5 of 21. Serial No: 1 Play/Title: Saketam Playwright: C. N. Sreekantan Nair Performance Language: Malayalam Group, Place: Calicut Universit, School of Drama, Thrissur, Kerala Director: Abhilash Pillai Music Director: N. K. Madhusoodanan Design: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Shriram Centre Date: 16 March 2000 Source/Accession No: NP/3241 Description/Notes: Notes on director, group, play, director's note. A presentation in Malayalam. Performed during 2nd Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2000 organized by NSD. Light: Rajesh Chavakad; Costume: K. P. Benny Joseph Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 2 Play/Title: Mid Night's Children Playwright: Orignal Writer- Salman Rushdie Performance Language: Multilingual Translator/Adaptor/Dramatizer: Himanshu B. Joshi Original Language/Title/Form: English, Novel, Group, Place: National School of Drama, 3rd year students Director: Abhilash Pillai Actors: NSD 3rd students 2005 Music Director: Shankar Venketeswaran Design: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch, Delhi Date: 10 - 15 December 2005 Source/Accession No: NP/3615 Description/Notes: Based on Salman Rushdie's novel. Notes on novelist, director, director's note, synopsis of the play etc. Light: Dheerendra Dwivedi; Costume: N. Kritika Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 3 Play/Title: Ant Anant Playwright: P. J. Unnikrishnan Performance Language: Hindi Translator/Adaptor/Dramatizer: J. N. Kaushal Group, Place: National School of Drama Repertory, Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Actors: Harish Gerkaur, Motilal & others Music Director: Ramesh Narayan Design: Abhilash Pillai Date: 30 March 1995 Source/Accession No: NP/2155 Description/Notes: Light: Sandip Bhattacharya; Costume: M. S. Rajesh. Note: About the play, director, director's note. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 4 Play/Title: Helen Playwright: Sujith Shanker Performance Language: Hindi Translator/Adaptor/Dramatizer: Rajesh Tailang Group, Place: Japan Foundation, Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Actors: Hrish Khanna, Jhilmilltazanika, Manjushree kulkarni, Sujith Shankar and others Music Director: Sankar Venkateswaran Design: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch, Delhi Date: 20 January 2008 Source/Accession No: NP/4047 Description/Notes: Costume: Aditee Biswas About the play, director and director's note. Performed on the occasion of Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2008. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 5 Play/Title: Zara Bada Ek Basheer Performance Language: Hindi Translator/Adaptor/Dramatizer: Rajesh Tailang Original Language/Title/Form: Stories Group, Place: National School of Drama, 3rd year students Director: Abhilash Pillai Actors: Papn Medhi, Kajal Mundu & others (Mee Grandded ad Elephant) Music Director: V. Chandran Design: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch Date: 21 - 25 October 2009 Source/Accession No: NP/4031 Description/Notes: Based on 6 stories by Vaikan Muhammed Basheer. Dramatized & lyrics: Rajesh Tailang. Light: Gautam Majumdar; Costume: Aditee Biswas. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image: 
- Invitations (4)
Displaying records 1 - 4 of 4. Serial No: 1 Play/Event: Zara Bada Playwright: Vaikom Muhammed Basheer Group/Place: National School of drama, 3rd year students Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch, Delhi Date: 21-25 October, 2009 Source/Accession No: NP Description/Notes: Dramatization, Adaptationandlyrics: Rajesh Tailang. Assistant Direction & Design: Anjali, Swati and others. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 2 Play/Event: Ant - Anant Playwright: P. J. Unnikrishnan Translator/Adaptor/Form: J. N. Kaushal Group/Place: National School of Drama, Rep. Company Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Kamani Auditorium(Delhi) Date: 30th March to 2nd April, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. Source/Accession No: NP Description/Notes: Music: Ramesh Narayan. (A critical look at the eternal complexities and absurdities of human behaviour reflected in contemporary situations.) Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 3 Play/Event: Ant - Anant Playwright: P. J. Unnikrishnan Translator/Adaptor/Form: J. N. Kaushal Group/Place: NSD, Rep. Company Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Kamani Auditorium(Delhi) Date: 2 - 3 June at 6:30 p.m. Source/Accession No: NP Description/Notes: P. J. Unnikrishnan's Play of - Striking Visuals and Aural Images. Five plays held in Summer Drama Festival 1995. 25th May - 5th June 1995. (1) Tamancha Khan ki Gazab Dastan. (2) Muavze - Writer: Bhisham Sahani. Dir.: M. K. Raina. (3) Ant - Anant. (4) Einstein - Writer and Dir.: Mohan Maharishi(5) Pratibimb - Writer: Mahesh Elkunchwar and Dir. - Chittranjan Giri. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 4 Play/Event: Sanskriti Awards Group/Place: Delhi: Sanskriti Pratishthan Place of Performance: Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, (Delhi) Date: 11th Dec. 2003, at 6:15p.m. Source/Accession No: NP Description/Notes: "New Talent Award - Function - 2002 - 2003".Awards conferred by SanskritiPratishthan to Abhilash Pillai for Theatre and Manjari Asnare Kelkar for Music . Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
- Newspaper Clippings (21)
Displaying records 1 - 5 of 21. Serial No: 1 Writing Form/Subject: Drama Review Writer: Diwan Singh Bajeli Title: The Enigmatic Ravana Name of the Play/Event: Lanka Lakshmi Newspaper Name: The Economic Times, New Delhi Language: English Date: 04 June 1994 Source: NP Description/Notes: Playwright: C. N. Shreekanthan Nair (Malayalam). Hindi Translation: Shree Janardhanan. Presentation: NSD III year students. Venue: Studio No-2 at NSD. Direction: Abhilash Pillai. Main roles played by Anuradha Majumdar, Pratibha Jagtap, Kumud Kumar Mishra. With photograph. "... the play has been designed and directed with striking artistry by Abhilash Pillai.". Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 2 Writing Form/Subject: Review Writer: Ruchika Talwar Title: Drama in Real Life Name of the Play/Event: The Glasshouse Project Newspaper Name: Indian Express, New Delhi Language: English Date: 06 January 2008 Source: NP Description/Notes: A report on Glasshouse Project. Concept: Abhilash Pillai. Performed by: Harish Khanna. Venue: NSD Campus. In Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2008, organised by NSD. " Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 3 Writing Form/Subject: Drama Review Writer: Shreya Ray Title: Reality Drama Gets Real Inside Glass House at NSD Festival Name of the Play/Event: The Glasshouse Project Newspaper Name: Mail Today, New Delhi Language: English Date: 15 January 2008 Source: NP Description/Notes: A review on Glass House project. Design: Himanshu B. Joshi. Concept: Abhilash Pillai. Performed by: Harish Khanna. Produced by: Tara Arts Londan. Venue: NSD Campus. In 10th Bharangam, organized by NSD. With Photo. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 4 Writing Form/Subject: Review Writer: Kavita Nagpal Title: NSD Theatre Festival : Odd mix of Old and New Newspaper Name: The Hindustan Times, New Delhi Language: English Date: 22-06-2002 Source: NP Description/Notes: Playwright: Dinesh Khanna, Design: Abhilash Pillai, Director: Kirti Jain, performed by NSD 2nd year students in Theatre Festival organized by NSD other information NM. other plays-"Anamdas Ka Potha", Dir-Robin Das, Mahendra Bhalla's, "Dimag-e-Hasti Dil ki Basti Hai Kahan", and Vijay Tendulkar's "Ghasiram Kotwal" All plays performed by NSD Repertory. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 5 Writing Form/Subject: Festival Review Writer: Kavita Nagpal Title: Caught between ethnic and wesern concepts Name of the Play/Event: Aa Manushyan Nee Thanne Newspaper Name: The Hindu, Madras Language: English Date: 15-03-1996 Source: NP Description/Notes: Playwright: C. J Thomas, Directed by Abhilash Pillai, play performed in National Drama Festival, orgnized by South Zone Cultural Centre and the Kerela State Public Relations Departemnt, Venue - Tagore Theatre Thiruvanathpuram, Date, Time and other information - N. M. language: Malayalam, with photo. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
- Periodicals (7)
Displaying records 1 - 5 of 7. Serail No: 1 Writing Form: Report Writer: Ramnarayan, Gowri Title: Trilogy on Stage Journal: Frontline Language: English Date: 02/07 Page: 89 - 93 Source: NP Description/Notes: Three Younger Directors Ovlyakuli Khojakuli(Uzhe Kistan), Mohammad Aghebati(Iran), Abhilash Pillai(India) Collaborated an directed the play - performing Women: Medea, Jacasta and Clytemnestra. A Japan foundation's Project. In Bharat Rang Mahotsav Organized by NSD. Other Info. - N. M. Ovlykuli Khojakuli choose Medea, Mohammad Aghebai choose Jocasta and Abhilash Pillai brought Clytemnestra, and used Multilingual. " Younger directors three nations collaborate in this trilogy. The three redoubable, even, eerie, archetypes are Sought to be schaped as metaphors for the many ravelled issues of contemporary times" Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serail No: 2 Writing Form: Information Title: FC2 recommends Journal: First City, Monthly, New Delhi/ First City publication Language: English Date: 28 October, 2007 Volume: vol: 18, No: 3 Page: 153 Source: NP/ 2853 Description/Notes: Name of the play: Helen, Information of presentation of Helen. Director: Abhilash Pillai, Venue: Shri Ram Centre, Date: 28 October 2007 Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serail No: 3 Writing Form: Information Title: Listing, Art, Dance, Theatre, Films, Music Movies, talks, workshops, walks. Journal: First City, Monthly, New Delhi/ First City publication Language: English Date: 20 January, 2008 Volume: vol: 18, No: 6 Page: 165 Source: NP/ 2854 Description/Notes: Name of the play: Helen, Information of presentation as part of 10th Bharat Rang Mahotsav the play Helen. Director: Abhilash Pillai, Venue: Abhimanch Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serail No: 4 Writing Form: Information Title: Listing, Art, Dance, Theatre, Films, Music Movies, talks, workshops, walks. Journal: First City, Monthly, New Delhi/ First City publication Language: English Date: January, 2006 Volume: Vol: 16, No: 6 Page: 51 Source: NP Description/Notes: Name of the play: Midnight's Children. Information of presentation of play Midnight's Children. Writer: Salman Rushdie, Director: Abhilash Pillai, Group: Third year students of National School of Drama. Cast: student of third year. Venue: Abhimanch, National School of Drama, Bhagwan Das Road. Mandi House, New Delhi - 01 Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serail No: 5 Writing Form: Information Title: Listing, Art, Dance, Theatre, Films, Music Movies, talks, workshops, walks. Journal: First City, Monthly, New Delhi/ First City publication Language: English Date: 7&8 January, 2007 Volume: Vol: 17, No: 6 Page: 178 Source: NP/ 2850 Description/Notes: Performing Women: Media, Jocasta, Clymnestra. Information of presetnation of performing: Media, Jocasta, Clymenda, as part of the 9th Bharat Rang Mahotsav of National School of Drama. Director: Abhilash Pillai. Venue: Abhimanch, NSD New Delhi. Note: A Greek tsagedy omnibus in three dections, each directed by different directors, Abhilash is one of them. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
- Photographs (27)
Displaying records 1 - 5 of 27. Serial No: 1 Play/Event: Lanka Laxmi Performance Language: Hindi Director: Abhilash Pillai Year: 1994 Source/Accession No: NP/ 12819-12863 Description/Notes: Design: Shreekanthan Nair. Coloured and Black & White. Gifted by Abhilash Pillai Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 2 Play/Event: Saketam (Malayalam) Playwright: C. N. Sreekanthan Nair Group/Place: School of Drama: Trichur Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Trichur and Tokyo Year: 1999, 2000 Source/Accession No: NP/ 12873-12907 Description/Notes: Played under 'Bharangam-2000', organized by N.S.D. Gifted by Abhilash Pillai. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 3 Play/Event: Verdigris (Klave) (Malayalam) Group/Place: Abhiyan : Thiruvananthpuram : Kerla Director: Abhilash Pillai Source/Accession No: NP/ 12947, 12952, 12936, 12938 - 12941, 12943 - 12946 Description/Notes: Gifted by Abhilash Pillai. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 4 Play/Event: Tempest (Children Play) Playwright: William Shekespeare Director: Abhilash Pillai Year: 1989 Source/Accession No: NP/ 12766-12792, 12972, 12798 Description/Notes: Coloured. Gifted by Abhilash Pillai. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image:  Serial No: 5 Play/Event: Rajdarparn Director: Anamika Hakgar Year: 1994 Source/Accession No: NP/ 12749 - 12759 Description/Notes: Coloured. Gifted by Abhilash Pillai. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai Scanned Image: 
- Posters (4)
Displaying records 1 - 4 of 4. Serial No: 1 Play: Baghdad Burning Playwright: Supriya Shukla Group/Place: Aaranjan, Zubaan and National School of Drama, Delhi Director: Kirti Jain Place of Performance: Abhimanch, National School of Drama, Delhi Date: 21-23 Dec 2007 Source/Accession No: NP/591 Description/Notes: Design: Kirti Jain,Set: Abhilash Pillai, Light: Gautam Majumdar, Size:48X36cm, Colour Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 2 Play: Karna (Mahabharat Se Prerit) Group/Place: National School of Drama, Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch, Delhi Date: 19-20 Dec 2003 Source/Accession No: NP/393 Description/Notes: Size: 48X41cm, Colour with Photo. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 3 Play: Mid-Night's Children Playwright: Salman Rushdie Translator/Adaptor: Himanshu Group/Place: National School of Drama, Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Place of Performance: Abhimanch Auditorium, New Delhi Source/Accession No: NP/580 Description/Notes: Size: 55X40cm, Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 4 Play: Ant Playwright: P.J. Unnikrishnan Translator/Adaptor: J.N.Kaushal Group/Place: National School of Drama,Rangmandal, Delhi Director: Abhilash Pillai Music Director: Ramesh Narayan Place of Performance: Kamani Auditorium Date: 30-31 March, 1-2 April Source/Accession No: NP/55 Description/Notes: Size: 56X43cm, Colour with Photo. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
- Video Clippings (7)
Displaying records 1 - 5 of 7. Serial No: 1 Play/Event: Helen Playwright: Surjith Shanker Director: Abhilash Pillai Group/Place: Japan Foundation, India. Collaborative project Place of Performance: Abhimanch auditorium Format: DVD Music: Sankar Venkateswaran Date: 20.01.2008 Source/Accession No: NP/1158 Description/Notes: Translator: Rajesh Tailang, Set Design: Rajesh Singh, Costume: Shyam Narayan Prasad, Choreography: Naresh Kumar. Performed in 10th Bharat Rang Mahotsav' 08, organised by National School of Drama. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 2 Play/Event: Bandi Pramath Playwright: Aeschylus Director: Abhilash Pillai Format: DVD Music: Ajay Kumar Date: 25.04.2002 Source/Accession No: NP/1233 Description/Notes: Translator: Bharat Bhushan Aggrawal. Design: Abhilash Pillai. Light: Parag Sarma. Costume: Ruchi Mehta. Set Design: Abhilash Pillai. Actor: Vinod Bahadur Rai and Others. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 3 Play/Event: Hayavadana Playwright: Girish Karnad Group/Place: National School of Drama 2nd year students Place of Performance: Kamani Auditorium, Delhi Format: DVD Date: 29 March, 2004 Source/Accession No: NP/1231 Description/Notes: Received from NSD. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 4 Play/Event: Midnight's Children Playwright: Salman Rushdie Director: Abhilash Pillai Source/Accession No: NP/1157 Description/Notes: Duration: 1:22:32 sec. Received from NSD. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Serial No: 5 Play/Event: Scene Work Director: Abhilash Pillai Group/Place: National School of Drama 2nd year student Place of Performance: Bahumukh auditorium, Delhi Format: DVD Date: 1.10.2008 Source/Accession No: NP/1174 Description/Notes: Received from NSD. Director/Actor being documented: Abhilash Pillai
Total records found: 92